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A leaving speech delivered by a parent at Prize Giving 2024


Some of you will recognise me as Korben’s mum.  Korben joined in September 2014, as the youngest and smallest child in the school, and he leaves now as one of the oldest.  Over his time, he has managed to complete 6 GCSEs of 5 and above, and a level 3 in Mechanics.

I did always think Korben would be stood here next to me today however in true testament to the school and everything it has done for him; he is actually crewing a 14-metre classic sailing yacht in a race from Weymouth to Jersey right now. 

The fact he is able to do this is down to the wonderful support and care provided to him by all of you stood here today:  the cleaners he used to follow around chatting to for hours, the maintenance team (who have been gifted his help, sometimes regardless of whether they actually wanted it or not).  The reception team, pastoral staff, therapeutic teams and Senco, all who have helped me fight to keep his place here, and the teachers and TA’s who have supported him throughout his educational experience, the SLT and Barnardo’s senior staff who have provided the safe and nurturing environment for him, our wonderful governors who have supported him and the rest of the pupils who were affected when the local college tried to close the places for Meadows students. 

And of course, all of you, his friends. All of you have been a part of his success and made him the person I am so very proud of today. The educational curriculum has taught him knowledge and given him a great foundation, and as it was referred to recently, “the other curriculum”, the one of life lessons and tough choices, has taught him resilience, determination and grit as well as the art of blagging the odd free entry ticket along the way and mastering the art of humour. 

All of this whilst being supported with kindness and care. 

All of you have been a part of TEAM KORBEN and for that I thank you all.

Ruth Jennings, parent from 2014-2024

Michael, Parent KS2

We visited many special schools before we chose Meadows for our son.  On our visit to Meadows and meeting Camilla, we were impressed by the school’s focus on helping children realise their potential and achieve tangible results. All too often children with special educational needs can be sidelined as though they have little to contribute.  At Meadows, children have the opportunity to discover themselves, their talents and abilities and explore and develop in areas where they show potential and possibility. 

We like the fact that children can, at the appropriate time in their education, move up to the senior school and therefore continue their education in an environment with which they have become familiar and with staff they already know.

Meadows supports children to work towards both academic and vocational qualifications, whichever best fits their profile and abilities and which we believe is critical for leading an independent life.

Leaving statement from a 6th form student

I feel that Meadows has been my second home for the last eleven years. I have felt safe, heard and understood. Meadows' staff have always guided me to take new opportunities to develop my skills and abilities, including helping me get into college. I have just achieved Level 3 Car Mechanics and I will always be grateful to Meadows. 

Leaving statement from a 6th form student

I have enjoyed my time at Meadows School.  The staff have been kind, helpful and persevered with me and provided a timetable to suit my learning needs and style in a safe environment.  Thanks to the support, I have gained my GCSE's, and I am now a more confident person.