Excellent careers education, advice and guidance, help pupils to be very well prepared for future life (Ofsted 2024)
The careers programme and individual support at Meadows School, seeks to deliver to the Department for Education "Careers Guidance 2022".
Careers Co-ordinator: Ms Evelyn Daniels Meadows School Careers Map
We aim to ensure that:
- All pupils understand the full range of opportunities available to them, to learn from employers about work and the skills that are valued in the workplace and to have first-hand experience of the workplace.
- To support pupils to acquire the self-development and career management skills they need to achieve positive employment destinations.
- All pupils get support tailored to their circumstances with access to face-to-face or via Teams meetings with an independent and impartial Career Development Professional employed by CXK Ltd. (
- All pupils get the information they need to understand the job and career opportunities available, and how their knowledge and skills can help them in considering suitable careers.
The government has introduced the following mandatory guidance for schools - called The Gatsby Benchmarks:
The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each student
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance
Careers education starts in KS2 with "The Working World" part of the 1Decision PSHCE programme. Along with the whole school, "Careers Week", where lessons across the curriculum are involved in delivering information on different careers or guidance linked with that subject.
KS3 careers programme is explored through Independent Living Skills within PSHCE and their participation in the whole school's "Careers Week". As from April 5th 2022, years 7,8 & 9 can apply for access to an independent impartial career advisor. From year 7 onwards, Link Workers will support the use of online quizzes to help guide our young people into making informed career choices.
KS4 has automatic access to an independent impartial career advisor in both years 10 and 11. The pupils have lessons in 'Life Beyond School' where discussion begins around transition to the next phase of their journey post 16. Pupils also participate in the whole school "Careers Week". Individual Link Workers support any workplace experiences, along with transitions on to Sixth Form, College or Apprenticeships.
KS5 PSHCE careers programme covers "Money: preparing for the unknown", "journey towards financial independence" , "to borrow or not to borrow" and BTEC qualifications, which cover topics such as:
- What are the differences between personal skills and attributes?
- What skills and attributes do I have?
- What areas of work, study or training are these well suited to?
- How do I search and apply for opportunities within work, volunteering and training contexts?
- How do I create a CV and cover letter?
- What are interviews, and how do I prepare for them?
- How can I make the most out of my work experience?
Under the Department for Education’s update of school's "Careers guidance Aug 2022", years 7,8 & 9 can now have access to a meeting with an independent impartial Careers Advisor. An annual email will be sent to parents and carers requesting you to apply for a meeting on behalf of your child.
'Pupils of all ages benefit from the school’s excellent approach to careers information, advice and guidance.' (Ofsted 2024)
Useful Websites
Post 16 choices
FE colleges - tips for choosing a college/course
Specialist colleges/Special Schools with units/post 19 provisions - membership organisation for non-maintained/ independent/ voluntary special schools – membership organisation for SEN further education colleges
- Local residential colleges - Mountcamphill, Wadhurst, Orpheus, Godstone (performing arts), St John’s School and College, Brighton and St Piers College, Lingfield
- Post 19 provision at several special schools being developed or open - Five Acre Wood, Snodland/Maidstone (Grow 19 – Kirstie Hemingway), Oakley College – Tonbridge -, Ifield (Gravesend), Goldwyn School, Ashford (Goldwyn Plus), and Beacon School, Folkestone, (Beacon Plus – Mel Winter), Grange Park (Wrotham)
- Please speak directly to schools for further information.
Supported employment/supported internships/pre-apprenticeship and traineeships for SEN and vulnerable young people/ sources of support for undertaking training and employment
/Supported_Internship_Guidance_updated_with_EFA_funding_advice_May_2017_2.pdf –
- DfE guide to supporting internships for young people with SEND/EHCP plans. - can provide financial support for education and training for young people without family support/children in crisis. - help to calculate benefit entitlements. - travel and other work assistance. - Provide support to LAs in their ‘preparing for adulthood’ programmes for young people with SEND. Includes support for employment. - national trade association for supported employment – explanation, members, sources of support. - leading provider of supported employment in Kent (Alicia Moyles, Head of Services – based at KCC). N.B. EHCP is not needed for supporting internships. - their colleges work with 21 employers. - explains traineeships, links to Kent based (see readytowork below) and national providers. For example - – ways to prepare for an apprenticeship (including traineeships and supported internships). – leaders in developing supported internships.
Finding apprenticeships/traineeships – Kent based and UK based - general advice on applications, finding work experience/part-time jobs/ employment and apprenticeships in Kent and more generally. - KCC guide to apprenticeships - general information and resources for teachers, students and employers
Training centres/supported living/transition/ local day opportunities (social enterprise)/charities providing support and training - full lists of day activities in different areas of Kent (formerly much) - lists some Adult Day Services in Kent and Medway - KCC Skills and Employability Service /study programmes - provides vocational training course/ study programmes for schools and PRUs – construction, catering, hair and beauty, and land based - a 14-week programme for unemployed 16-18 year olds - provides function skills and employability training and delivers traineeships and apprenticeships - based in Aylesford – delivering sports-based study programmes, apprenticeships, traineeships and alternative curriculum for disengaged learners - includes Prince's Trust, NEET Support, Elevate and Launch Pad – helping NEET, SEND and other young people into employment. - represents the rights of people with learning difficulties and disabilities. - delivers mental health and wellbeing services in Kent and Sussex. - a merger of Pepenbury and Autism Sussex – helps people with autism and SEND into independent living. and - offer music courses for young people with SEND. - community and creative events and activities in Folkestone.'s-farm - courses and day activities on the college farm at Hildenborough. - Enterprises such as Tuck by Truck and Growing Concern in Kent and Medway - help people develop work skills. - community vegetable growing project near Aylesford which takes volunteers, including SEND schools. - based in Ashford – offer music courses for young people without formal qualifications, plus maths and English – support local bands and musicians. - based in Offham, providing meaningful support and work to people with SEND. - help veterans, injured service personnel and unemployed people back into work – CV, interview, self development, maths, English, ICT, business admin, CSCS, warehouse and storage, H&SC, retail & customer service. - near Sevenoaks, provides BTEC in Land Based subjects for young people with additional needs. – for young people and adults with SEND – based at Mount Lodge Farm, Biddenden. - outdoor activities and courses, employability support, skills development, English, maths, - Eythorne, Deal. - daycare activities including arts and crafts - Elham Valley, Canterbury. (Canterbury Oast Trust) - see also - - Canterbury Oast Trust runs this farm to support young people with SEND – based in Woodchurch. - indoor and outdoor day activities on a farm at Blean for adults with learning disabilities. - Motocross Alternative Project (Dover) – employability courses, motocross and mechanics training.
Other organisations/recruitment agencies helping people with SEND into employment – offer help for disabled people to obtain work placements.
Resources for guidance/ background info – national charity offering person centred support. Blog for careers advisers for national careers' week on how to support SEND students:
- - workbook that can be used to help with supported employment (contains resources that might be good for guidance with SEND students).
into_Work_FINAL.pdf - really helpful summary of approaches to support and routes for SEND students.